
A hand paints blue birds on a bowl. A hand stacks bowls in the belly of a ship. The ship sails to the Netherlands. But the ship is wrecked on the east coast of South Africa. 2010: A hand finds a shard with a blue bird. A blue bird flies in the belly of a silver "bird" to the Netherlands. It finds its destination on this wordgiver(talking stick). To give the word to human voices, which also have to travel long and farsometimes. (even though they probably don't have to wait 400 years!) *China 16th and 17th century: Export porcelain, known as cracking porcelain, was taken in large numbers by the VOC to Europe. Counterweight and merchandise at the same time. Bowls with birds on it were called "Crow heads".

China 16th and 17th Century: export porcelain, known as crackling porcelain, was brought to Europe in large numbers by the VOC. Ballast and merchandise at the same time. Bowls with birds on them were called "crow's heads".